K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like boron ions [B$^{2+}$]: Experiment and Theory
K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like carbon ions [C$^{3+}$]: experiment, theory and comparison with time-reversed photorecombination
K-Shell Photoionization of Singly Ionized Atomic Nitrogen: Experiment and Theory
K-shell x-ray spectroscopy of atomic nitrogen
KamLAND-experiment and Soliton-like Nuclear Georeactor. Part 1. Comparison of Theory with Experiment
Kepler 16: A System of Potential Interest to Astrobiologists
Kepler 18-b, c, and d: A System Of Three Planets Confirmed by Transit Timing Variations, Lightcurve Validation, Spitzer Photometry and Radial Velocity Measurements
Kepler and Ground-based Transits of the Exo-Neptune HAT-P-11b
Kepler Exoplanet Candidate Host Stars are Preferentially Metal Rich
Kepler KOI-13.01 - Detection of beaming and ellipsoidal modulations pointing to a massive hot Jupiter
Kepler Mission Design, Realized Photometric Performance, and Early Science
Kepler Observations of Three Pre-Launch Exoplanet Candidates: Discovery of Two Eclipsing Binaries and a New Exoplanet
Kepler planet candidates consistent with core accretion
Kepler Science Operations
KEPLER's First Rocky Planet: Kepler-10b
Kepler-10c, a 2.2-Earth radius transiting planet in a multiple system
Kepler-14b: A massive hot Jupiter transiting an F star in a close visual binary
Kepler-16: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet
Kepler-20: A Sun-like Star with Three Sub-Neptune Exoplanets and Two Earth-size Candidates
Kepler-22b: A 2.4 Earth-radius Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Sun-like Star