Dark Matter And The Habitability of Planets
Day and night side core cooling of a strongly irradiated giant planet
Day-side z'-band emission and eccentricity of Wasp-12b
Dead Zones and the Diversity of Exoplanetary Systems
Dead zones as safe-havens for planetesimals: influence of disc mass and external magnetic field
Dead Zones as Thermal Barriers to Rapid Planetary Migration in Protoplanetary Disks
Dead zones in protostellar discs: the case of Jet Emitting Discs
Debris disc candidates in systems with transiting planets
Debris disc stirring by secular perturbations from giant planets
Debris discs and comet populations around Sun-like stars: the Solar System in context
Debris discs in binaries: a numerical study
Debris disk size distributions: steady state collisional evolution with P-R drag and other loss processes
Debris disks as signposts of terrestrial planet formation
Debris disks as signposts of terrestrial planet formation. II Dependence of exoplanet architectures on giant planet and disk properties
Debris Disks in Kepler Exoplanet Systems
Debris Disks: Seeing Dust, Thinking of Planetesimals and Planets
Decimetre dust aggregates in protoplanetary discs
Deciphering Spectral Fingerprints of Habitable Extrasolar Planets
Deciphering the Origin of the Regular Satellites of Gaseous Giants - Iapetus: the Rosetta Ice-Moon
Deep Impact ejection from Comet 9P/Tempel 1 as a triggered outburst