T.I.P.O. (Tesla Interferometric Planetary Observer)
Table of Contents: Planetary Systems Beyond the Main Sequence 2010
TASTE. II. A new observational study of transit time variations in HAT-P-13b
TASTE: The Asiago Search for Transit timing variations of Exoplanets. I. Overview and improved parameters for HAT-P-3b and HAT-P-14b
TASTE: The Asiago Survey for Timing transit variations of Exoplanets
Taxonomy of the extrasolar planet
Temperature-Pressure Profile of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b from HST Sodium Observations: Detection of Upper Atmospheric Heating
Temporal and Spatial Aspects of Gas Release During the 2010 Apparition of Comet 103P/Hartley-2
Temporal Variations of Strength and Location of the South Atlantic Anomaly as Measured by RXTE
TERMS Photometry of Known Transiting Exoplanets
Terrestrial planet formation in low eccentricity warm-Jupiter systems
Terrestrial Planet Formation in the Inclined Systems: Application to OGLE-2006-BLG-109L System
Terrestrial, Habitable-Zone Exoplanet Frequency from Kepler
Testing quasilinear modified Newtonian dynamics in the Solar System
Testing the comet nature of main belt comets. The spectra of 133P/Elst-Pizarro and 176P/LINEAR
That's the way the comet crumbles: Splitting Jupiter-family comets
The "Sun-climate" relationship : III. The solar flares, north-south sunspot arrea asymmetry and climate
The (sub-)millimeter SED of protoplanetary disks in the outskirts of the Orion Nebula Cluster
The (Un)Lonely Planet Guide: Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems from a `Blue Dots' Perspective
The 0.5M$_J$ transiting exoplanet WASP-13b