M Star Astrosphere Size Fluctuations and Habitable Planet Descreening
M-band Imaging of the HR 8799 Planetary System Using an Innovative LOCI-based Background Subtraction Technique
M2K: I. A Jovian mass planet around the M3V star HIP79431
M2K: II. A Triple-Planet System Orbiting HIP 57274
Mach Number Dependence of Electron Heating in High Mach Number Quasiperpendicular Shocks
Magnetic coupling of planets and small bodies with a pulsar wind"
Magnetic Drag on Hot Jupiter Atmospheric Winds
Magnetic Fields in Earth-like Exoplanets and Implications for Habitability around M-dwarfs
Magnetic Helicity Conservation and Inverse Energy Cascade in Electron Magnetohydrodynamic Wave Packets
Magnetic reversals in a simple model of MHD
Magnetic Scaling Laws for the Atmospheres of Hot Giant Exoplanets
Magnetic spherical Couette flow in linear combinations of axial and dipolar fields
Magnetically Controlled Outflows from Hot Jupiters
Magnetorotational Instability Driven Accretion in Protoplanetary Disks
Magnetospheric Emission from Extrasolar Planets
Magnetostrophic MRI in the Earth's Outer Core
Magnitude and size distribution of long-period comets in Earth-crossing or approaching orbits
Main Belt Asteroids with WISE/NEOWISE I: Preliminary Albedos and Diameters
Main-Belt Comet 238P/Read Revisited
Main-Belt Comet P/2008 R1 (Garradd)