Generation of equatorial jets by large-scale latent heating on the giant planets
Geosynchronous magnetopause crossings: necessary conditions
Giant impacts in the Saturnian System: a possible origin of diversity in the inner mid-sized satellites
Giant Planet Atmospheres and Spectra
Giant Planet Formation
Giant Planet Formation by Disk Instability in Low Mass Disks?
Giant planet formation in stellar clusters: the effects of stellar fly-bys
Giant planet formation in the framework of the core instability model
Giant planet formation: episodic impacts vs. gradual core growth
Giant Planet Interior Structure and Thermal Evolution
Giant planet migration, disk evolution, and the origin of transitional disks
Giant Planet Occurrence in the Stellar Mass-Metallicity Plane
Giant Planets
Gifts from Exoplanetary Transits
Gliese 581d is the first discovered terrestrial-mass exoplanet in the habitable zone
Gliese 581g as a scaled-up version of Earth: atmospheric circulation simulations
Global Calculations of Density Waves and Gap Formation in Protoplanetary Disks using a Moving Mesh
Global circulation as the main source of cloud activity on Titan
Global Mapping of Earth-like Exoplanets from Scattered Light Curves
Global MHD simulations of stratified and turbulent protoplanetary discs. II. Dust settling