Five New and Three Improved Mutual Orbits of Transneptunian Binaries
Five New Transit Epochs of the Exoplanet OGLE-TR-111b
Five planets and an independent confirmation of HD 196885Ab from Lick Observatory
Five Special Types of Orbits Around Mars
Follow-up observations of Comet 17P/Holmes after its extreme outburst in brightness end of October 2007
Follow-up Observations of the Neptune Mass Transiting Extrasolar Planet HAT-P-11b
Formation and Detection of Earth Mass Planets around Low Mass Stars
Formation and Dynamical Evolution of the Neptune Trojans - the Influence of the Initial Solar System Architecture
Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems in Presence of Highly Inclined Stellar Perturbers
Formation and evolution of planetary systems: the impact of high angular resolution optical techniques
Formation and long-term evolution of 3D vortices in protoplanetary discs
Formation and Structure of Low Density Exo-Neptunes
Formation and tidal evolution of hot super-Earths in multiple planetary systems
Formation of '3D' multiplanet systems by dynamical disruption of multiple-resonance configurations
Formation of a Propeller Structure by a Moonlet in a Dense Planetary Ring
Formation of asteroid pairs by rotational fission
Formation of Cosmic Crystals in Highly-Supersaturated Silicate Vapor Produced by Planetesimal Bow Shocks
Formation of Early Water Oceans on Rocky Planets
Formation of Giant Planets by Disk Instability on Wide Orbits Around Protostars with Varied Masses
Formation of Jupiter using opacities based on detailed grain physics