Multiband Photopolarimetric Monitoring of the Outburst of the Blazar 3C~454.3 in 2007
Multicolor Photometry of the Galaxies in Abell 1775: Substructures, Luminosity Functions, and Star-Formation Properties
Multicolor Photometry of the Galaxy Cluster A98: Substructures and Star Formation Properties
Multicolour Photometric Study of M31 Globular Clusters
Multicomponent and Variable Velocity Galactic Outflow in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Multifield consequences for D-brane inflation
Multifrequency Method for Mapping Active Galactic Nuclei with Allowance for the Frequency-Dependent Image Shift
Multifrequency Observations of One of the Largest Supernova Remnants in the Local Group of Galaxies, LMC - SNR J0450-709
Multifrequency Radio Observations of a SNR in the LMC. The Case of SNR J0527-6549 (DEM l204)
Multifrequency VLBA study of the blazar S5 0716+714 during the active state in 2004 II. Large-scale jet kinematics and the comparison of the different methods of VLBI data imaging as applied to kinematic studies of AGN
Multimessenger astronomy with pulsar timing and X-ray observations of massive black hole binaries
Multimodality in galaxy clusters from SDSS DR8: substructure and velocity distribution
Multimodality of rich clusters from the SDSS DR8 within the supercluster-void network
Multiphase Gas In Galaxy Halos: The OVI Lyman-limit System toward J1009+0713
Multiphase, non-spherical gas accretion onto a black hole
Multiple Absorption-Line Spectroscopy of the Intergalactic Medium. I. Model
Multiple Dark Matter as a self-regulating mechanism for dark sector interactions
Multiple Main Sequence of Globular Clusters as a Result of Inhomogeneous Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Multiple Radial Cool Molecular Filaments in NGC 1275
Multiple shock structures in a radio selected cluster of galaxies