Momentum-driven feedback and the M-σrelation in non-isothermal galaxies
Momentum-driven feedback and the Mass-sigma relation in non-isothermal galaxies
MOND and the dark baryons
MOND and the Galaxies
MOND and the unique void galaxy KK246
MOND effects in the inner solar system
MOND reveals the thermodynamics of gravity
MOND virial theorem applied to a galaxy cluster
MOND with or without dark matter
MOND--particularly as modified inertia
MOND: time for a change of mind?
MONDian three-body predictions for LISA Pathfinder
Monitoring of bright blazars with MAGIC telescope
Monitoring Quasar Colour Variability in Stripe 82
Monitoring the Bi-Directional Relativistic Jets of the Radio Galaxy 1946+708
Monitoring the synchrotron and Compton emission of PKS 2155-304: one year of observations with RXTE and Fermi
Monster in the Dark: The Ultraluminous GRB 080607 and its Dusty Environment
More discoveries of compact radio cores in Seyfert galaxies with the EVN
More evidence for extinction of activity in galaxies
More galaxies in the Local Volume imaged in H-alpha