Modified gravity a la Galileon: Late time cosmic acceleration and observational constraints
Modified Gravity and Cosmology
Modified Gravity and the CMB
Modified gravity in Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism
Modified Gravity Makes Galaxies Brighter
Modified Gravity or Dark Matter?
Modified gravity or modified matter ?
Modified Gravity Tomography
Modified gravity. Problems and observational manifestations
Modified Gravity: the CMB, Weak Lensing and General Parameterisations
Modified holographic dark energy in DGP brane world
Modified Newtonian Dynamics: A Review
Modified Virial Formulae and the Theory of Mass Estimators
Modifying Gravity at Low Redshift
Modulated reheating by curvaton
MOIRCS Deep Survey III: Active Galactic Nuclei in Massive Galaxies at z=2-4
MOIRCS Deep Survey V: A Universal Relation for Stellar Mass and Surface Brightness of Galaxies
MOIRCS Deep Survey. IX. Deep Near-Infrared Imaging Data and Source Catalog
MOIRCS Deep Survey. VI. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of K-Selected Star-Forming Galaxies at z~2
MOIRCS Deep Survey. VII: NIR Morphologies of Star-forming Galaxies at Redshift z~1