Modelling large-scale halo bias using the bispectrum
Modelling neutral hydrogen in galaxies using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
Modelling non-Gaussianity from foreground contaminants
Modelling non-linear redshift-space distortions in the galaxy clustering pattern: systematic errors on the growth rate parameter
Modelling of the Complex CASSOWARY/SLUGS Gravitational Lenses
Modelling realistic horizontal branch morphologies and their impact on spectroscopic ages of unresolved stellar systems
Modelling recombinations during cosmological reionization
Modelling redshift space distortions in hierarchical cosmologies
Modelling Starbursts in HII Galaxies: What do we need to fit the observations?
Modelling stellar populations at high redshift
Modelling the chemical evolution
Modelling the composition of a massive star cluster ejecta
Modelling the correlation between the thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect and the cosmic infrared background
Modelling the dusty universe I: Introducing the artificial neural network and first applications to luminosity and colour distributions
Modelling the dusty universe II: The clustering of submillimetre-selected galaxies
Modelling the dynamical friction timescale of sinking satellite
Modelling the evolution of galaxies as a function of environment
Modelling the orientation of accretion disks in quasars using H-alpha emission
Modelling the shapes of the largest gravitationally bound objects
Modelling the spectra of (BAL)QSOs