Modeling the formation and evolution of star cluster populations in galaxy simulations
Modeling The GRB Host Galaxy Mass Distribution: Are GRBs Unbiased Tracers of Star Formation?
Modeling the High-z Universe: Probing Galaxy Formation
Modeling the Images of Relativistic Jets Lensed by Galaxies with Different Mass Surface Density Distributions
Modeling the Infrared Emission from Cygnus A
Modeling the Infrared Emission in Cygnus A
Modeling the ionizing spectra of H ii regions: individual stars versus stellar ensembles
Modeling The Large Scale Bias of Neutral Hydrogen
Modeling the Outflow in the Narrow-Line Region of Markarian 573:Biconical Illumination of a Gaseous Disk
Modeling the Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters with Cosmological Simulations
Modeling the red sequence: Hierarchical growth yet slow luminosity evolution
Modeling the Time Variability of SDSS Stripe 82 Quasars as a Damped Random Walk
Modeling the total and polarized emission in evolving galaxies: "spotty" magnetic structures
Modeling the Very Small-Scale Clustering of Luminous Red Galaxies
Modeling very long baseline interferometric images with the cross-entropy global optimization technique
Modelling Galaxy and AGN Evolution in the IR: Black Hole Accretion versus Star-Formation Activity
Modelling galaxy clustering: Is new physics needed in galaxy formation models?
Modelling galaxy stellar mass evolution from z~0.8 to today
Modelling high redshift Lyman-alpha Emitters
Modelling injection and feedback of Cosmic Rays in grid-based cosmological simulations: effects on cluster outskirts