Modeling Emission from the First Explosions: Pitfalls and Problems
Modeling Extragalactic Foregrounds and Secondaries for Unbiased Estimation of Cosmological Parameters From Primary CMB Anisotropy
Modeling Formation of Globular Clusters: Beacons of Galactic Star Formation
Modeling gamma-ray burst observations by Fermi and MAGIC including attenuation due to diffuse background light
Modeling IR Spectral Energy Distributions: A Pilot Study of Starburst Parameters and Silicate Absorption Curves for Some GOALS Galaxies
Modeling mass independent of anisotropy
Modeling mm- to X-ray flare emission from SgrA*
Modeling of the HERMES J105751.1+573027 submillimeter source lensed by a dark matter dominated foreground group of galaxies
Modeling of weak lensing statistics. I. Power spectrum and bispectrum
Modeling of weak lensing statistics. II. Configuration-space statistics
Modeling scale-dependent bias on the baryonic acoustic scale with the statistics of peaks of Gaussian random fields
Modeling the Alignment Profile of Satellite Galaxies in Clusters
Modeling the angular correlation function and its full covariance in Photometric Galaxy Surveys
Modeling the clustering of dark-matter haloes in resummed perturbation theories
Modeling the Color Magnitude Relation for Galaxy Clusters
Modeling the dust Spectral Energy Distribution of NGC 4214
Modeling the Effects of Star Formation Histories on Halpha and Ultra-Violet Fluxes in Nearby Dwarf Galaxies
Modeling the evolution of infrared galaxies : clustering of galaxies in the Cosmic Infrared Background
Modeling the evolution of infrared galaxies: A Parametric backwards evolution model
Modeling the Fe K Line Profiles in Type I AGN with a Compton-Thick Disk Wind