Missing Power vs low-l Alignments in the Cosmic Microwave Background: No Correlation in the Standard Cosmological Model
Missing the Point - a Brief Reply to Foreman & Scott and Gnedin
MMTF-Halpha and HST-FUV Imaging of the Filamentary Complex in Abell 1795
Mock weak lensing analysis of simulated galaxy clusters: bias and scatter in mass and concentration
Mode coupling evolution in arbitrary inflationary backgrounds
Model for common growth of supermassive black holes, bulges and globular star clusters: ripping off Jeans clusters
Model for Gravity at Cluster Scales in Randers-Finslerian Spacetime and the Convergence $κ$ of Bullet Cluster 1E0657-558
Model for gravity at large distances
Model independent analysis of dark matter points to a particle mass at the keV scale
Model independent constraints on mass-varying neutrino scenarios
Model Independent Foreground Power Spectrum Estimation using WMAP 5-year Data
Model Independent Methods of Describing GRB Spectra Using BATSE MER Data
Model Independent Tests of Cosmic Gravity
Model independent tests of the standard cosmological model
Model selection applied to reconstruction of the Primordial Power Spectrum
Model-independent cosmological constraints from the CMB
Model-Independent Limits on the Line-of-Sight Depth of Clusters of Galaxies Using X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Data
Model-Independent Reconstruction of the Expansion History of the Universe from Type Ia Supernovae
Model-independent X-ray mass determinations
Modeling $f(R)$ gravity in terms of mass dilation rate