Mid-infrared properties of OH megamaser host galaxies. I: Spitzer IRS low- and high-resolution spectroscopy
Mid-infrared properties of OH megamaser host galaxies. II: Analysis and modeling of the maser environment
Mid-Infrared Properties of the Swift Burst Alert Telescope Active Galactic Nuclei Sample of the Local Universe. I. Emission-Line Diagnostics
Mid-Infrared Spectral Indicators of Star-Formation and AGN Activity in Normal Galaxies
Mid-Infrared Spectral Measures of Star-Formation and AGN Activity in Normal Galaxies
Mid-infrared spectroscopy of candidate AGN-dominated submillimeter galaxies
Mid-infrared spectroscopy of infrared-luminous galaxies at z~0.5-3
Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Optically Faint Extragalactic 70 micron Sources
Mid-infrared spectroscopy of Spitzer-selected ultra-luminous starbursts at z~2
Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Submillimeter Galaxies: Extended Star Formation in Massive High Redshift Galaxies
Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Two Lensed Star-forming Galaxies
Mid-Infrared Variability from the Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey
Mid-IR FORCAST/SOFIA Observations of M82
Mid-IR Luminosities and UV/Optical Star Formation Rates at z<1.4
Mid-IR properties of Seyferts: Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy of the IRAS 12micron Seyfert sample
Mid-J CO Emission From NGC 891: Microturbulent Molecular Shocks in Normal Star Forming Galaxies
Mild Velocity Dispersion Evolution of Spheroid-like Massive Galaxies since z~2
Mildly mixed coupled models vs. WMAP7 data
Millimeter Radio Continuum Emissions as the Activity of Super Massive Black Holes in Nearby Early-Type Galaxies and Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei
MIMAC : a micro-TPC detector for non-baryonic dark matter search