Measuring Lensing Magnification of Quasars by Large Scale Structure using the Variability-Luminosity Relation
Measuring Light from the Epoch of Reionization with CIBER, the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment
Measuring our Peculiar Velocity by "Pre-deboosting" the CMB
Measuring our peculiar velocity on the CMB with high-multipole off-diagonal correlations
Measuring Planck beams with planets
Measuring primordial non-Gaussianity through weak lensing peak counts
Measuring primordial non-Gaussianity with weak-lensing surveys
Measuring redshift through X-ray spectroscopy of galaxy clusters: results from Chandra data and future prospects
Measuring Redshift-Space Distortions using Photometric Surveys
Measuring space-time variation of the fundamental constants with redshifted submillimetre transitions of neutral carbon
Measuring star formation in high-z massive galaxies: A mid-infrared to submillimeter study of the GOODS NICMOS Survey sample
Measuring the 3D Clustering of Undetected Galaxies Through Cross Correlation of their Cumulative Flux Fluctuations from Multiple Spectral Lines
Measuring the 3D shape of X-ray clusters
Measuring the Cosmic Web
Measuring the cosmological bulk flow using the peculiar velocities of supernovae
Measuring the dark flow with public X-ray cluster data
Measuring the Galaxy Cluster Bulk Flow from WMAP data
Measuring the galaxy-mass and galaxy-dust correlations through magnification and reddening
Measuring the Geometry of the Universe from Weak Gravitational Lensing behind Galaxy Groups in the HST COSMOS survey
Measuring the halo mass function in loose groups