Bounds on Parity Violation In the Cosmological Redshift
Bounds on Spectral Dispersion from Fermi-detected Gamma Ray Bursts
Brane-like singularities with no brane
Braneworlds, graviton production, dynamical Casimir effect
Brans-Dicke model constrained from Big Bang nucleosynthesis and magnitude redshift relations of Supernovae
Breaking down the link between luminous and dark matter in massive galaxies
Breaking of self-averaging properties and selection effects in the Luminous Red Galaxies sample
Breaking parameter degeneracy in interacting dark energy models from observations
Breaking the Degeneracy: Optimal Use of Three-point Weak Lensing Statistics
Breaking the law: the M_{bh}-M_{spheroid} mass relations for core-Sersic and Sersic galaxies
Breaking the scale invariance of the primordial power spectrum in Horava-Lifshitz Cosmology
Breaking the sigma_8-Omega_m degeneracy using the clustering of high-z X-ray AGN
Bridging the gap between low and high mass dwarf galaxies
Bright Lyman-alpha Emitters at z~9: constraints on the luminosity function from HiZELS
Bright Source Subtraction Requirements For Redshifted 21 cm Measurements
Bright Strongly Lensed Galaxies at Redshift z~ 6-7 behind the Clusters Abell 1703 and CL0024+161
Bright Ultraviolet Regions and Star Formation Characteristics in Nearby Dwarf Galaxies
Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Core Gas Density in REXCESS Clusters
Brightness and Fluctuation of the Mid-Infrared Sky from AKARI Observations towards the North Ecliptic Pole
Broad and Luminous [OIII] and [NII] in Globular Cluster ULXs