Black Holes at Work
Black Holes Constitute All Dark Matter
Black Holes in our Galactic Halo: Compatibility with FGST and PAMELA Data and Constraints on the First Stars
Black Holes in Pseudobulges: demography and models
Black holes of intermediate masses in globular clusters: constraints on a spin of a black hole
Black-Hole Mass and Growth Rate at z~4.8: A Short Episode of Fast Growth Followed by Short Duty Cycle Activity
Black-hole masses of distant quasars
BLAST Observations of the South Ecliptic Pole field: Number Counts and Source Catalogs
BLAST: A Far-Infrared Measurement of the History of Star Formation
BLAST: Correlations in the Cosmic Far-Infrared Background at 250, 350, and 500 microns Reveal Clustering of Star-Forming Galaxies
BLAST: Resolving the Cosmic Submillimeter Background
BLAST: the far-infrared/radio correlation in distant galaxies
BLAST: the Redshift Survey
Blazar 3C 454.3 in Outburst and Quiescence During 2005-2007: Two Variable Synchrotron Emission Peaks
Blazar Compton efficiencies: Fermi, external photons and the Sequence
Blazar Discoveries with VERITAS
Blazar Optical Variability in the Palomar-QUEST Survey
Blazar properties: an update from recent results
Blazars as beamlights to probe the Extragalactic Background Light in the Fermi and Cherenkov telescopes era
Blazars distance indications from Fermi and TeV data