Bispectra from two-field inflation using the long-wavelength formalism
Bispectrum covariance in the flat-sky limit
Bispectrum of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect
BL Lac objects with optical jets: PKS 2201+044, 3C 371 and PKS 0521-365
BL Lac Objects: Laboratories to study the environment and properties of emitting particles in relativistic jets
BL Lacertae objects beyond redshift 1.3 - UV-to-NIR photometry and photometric redshift for Fermi/LAT blazars
Black hole accretion and host galaxies of obscured quasars in XMM-COSMOS
Black hole formation in primordial galaxies: chemical and radiative conditions
Black Hole growth and AGN obscuration by instability-driven inflows in high-redshift disk galaxies fed by cold streams
Black hole growth and host galaxy morphology
Black hole growth and starburst activity at z = 0.6-4 in the Chandra Deep Field South. Host galaxies properties of obscured AGN
Black Hole Mass and Bulge Luminosity for Low-mass Black Holes
Black Hole Mass Estimates Based on CIV are Consistent with Those Based on the Balmer Lines
Black Hole Mass, Host galaxy classification and AGN activity
Black Hole Masses and Star Formation Rates of z >1 Dust Obscured Galaxies (DOGs): Results from Keck OSIRIS Integral Field Spectroscopy
Black hole masses and starbursts in X-shaped radio sources
Black Hole Masses of Intermediate-Redshift Quasars: Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Black hole mergers: can gas discs solve the `final parsec' problem?
Black Hole Outflows
Black hole spin and radio loudness in a LCDM universe