Vortex creep and the internal temperature of neutron stars - Linear and nonlinear response to a glitch
Vortex drag and the spin-up time scale for pulsar glitches
Vortex pinning by quenched randomness in neutron stars
Vortex pinning in neutron stars
Vortex-induced vibration of a heavy-lift launch vehicle during transonic flight
Vortices on the world sheet of a string and critical dynamics
VOSA: virtual observatory SED analyzer (Bayo+, 2008)
VOSpace: a Prototype for Grid 2.0
Voyager 1 assessment of Jupiter's planetary magnetic field
Voyager 1/UVS data and model computations of the interplanetary Lyman alpha background in the outer heliosphere: 1993 to 2002.
Voyager II Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Inner and Middle Heliosphere
Voyager orbit determination at Jupiter
VSAA: A method of tracing variable frequencies in time series analysis