Satellite Magnetic Anomalies from MGS over the South Tharsis Region of Mars.
Satellite monitoring of vegetation dynamics: Sensitivity enhancement by the wide dynamic range vegetation index
Satellite motion around an oblate planet: A perturbation solution for all orbital parameters
Satellite Navigation Systems: Policy, Commercial and Technical Interaction.
Satellite Observation of the Earth Radiation Budget and Clouds
Satellite observations of cloud plumes generated by Nauru
Satellite observations of the Agulhas Current system
Satellite remote sensing as a tool to monitor Indian reservation in the Brazilian Amazonia
Satellite remote sensing for archaeology and historic preservation: Mapping the ancient trails of Southeast Utah
Satellite remote sensing in hydrology
Satellite thermal infrared data applications in agricultural meteorology
Satellite Tracking with a Laser
Satellite-based estimate of the direct and indirect aerosol climate forcing
Satellite-Derived SCATTEROMETER/ERS-1 Sea-Surface Wind Vorticity in the Southwestern Indian Ocean
Satellites for earth surveying and ocean navigating
Satellites of asteroids.
Satisfying payload customer requirements at the Launch Site
Saturated comptonization in a superstrong magnetic field
Saturation Effect Seen In The MDI/SOHO Magnetograms
Saturation Effects in the VLF Scattering off Strongly Heated Ionosphere