System study of tether technology with particular consideration of transport utilization possibilities in space transportation
System wavefront correction using a complex aspheric mirror
System/subsystem engineering interface considerations and R&D requirements for IEF/QED engine systems
Systematic biases in DORIS-derived geocenter time series related to solar radiation pressure mis-modeling
Systematic comparison of automated geological feature detection methods for impact craters
Systematic computation algorithm to obtain osculating orbit elements from position and velocity vectors
Systematic data acquisitons - a pre-requisite for meaningful biophysical parameter retrieval?
Systematic design of a deformable mirror with low-order wavefront compensation capability
Systematic effects in lens inversions - Aleph(1) exact models for 0957 + 561
Systematic Errors In Elemental Abundances Derived From Nebular Spectra
Systematic errors in whistler extrapolation. I - Linear-Q analysis and the extrapolation factor. II - Comparison of methods
Systematic in the relativistic oscillator strengths for fine-structure transitions in the aluminium isoelectronic sequence.
Systematic investigation of the growth of LaNiO3/PZT/LaNiO3/Si and LaNiO3/PZT/LaNiO3/polymer/Si for IR detector applications
Systematic investigation on the effect of dew and interception on multifrequency and multipolarimetric radar backscatter signals
Systematic Multiscale Models for the Tropics.
Systematic refraction caused by equatorial plasma bubbles observed in microwave scintillations
Systematic Time Delay of Hemispheric Solar Activity
Systematics and Bias Studies for Dark Energy Survey Supernovae
Systematics of Young Clusters and Associations in Spiral Galaxies
Systems engineering studies of on-orbit assembly operation