Survival-supervised latent Dirichlet allocation models for genomic analysis of time-to-event outcomes
SUSEE: A Compact, Lightweight Space Nuclear Power System Using Present Water Reactor Technology
Sustained Particle Acceleration by Poynting Flux
Swarm a Constellation to study the Dynamics of the Earth's magnetic Field and its Interactions with the Earth System
Swarm: A constellation to study the Earth's magnetic field
Sweave Documentation for "Implementing Markov chain Monte Carlo: Estimating with confidence"
SWELLS: doubling the number of disk-dominated edge-on spiral lens galaxies
SWICS/Ulysses and MASS/Wind observations of solar wind sulfur charge states
SWICS/Ulysses and MASS/wind observations of solar wind sulfur charge states
Swift Grism Spectroscopy of Comets: A First Application to C/2007 N3 (Lulin)
Swing amplification of spiral waves in low-mass discs
Swing coupling between fast magnetosonic and Alfvén waves
SWIRE Photometric Redshift Catalogue (Rowan-Robinson+, 2008)
Swirling hydrodynamic jets in viscous accretion flows
Switchable optical phased prism arrays for beam steering
Switching phenomena between several out of phase modes on coupled chemical oscillators
SWUIS-A compact astronomical UV/VIS/IR imaging system for manned space-based platforms including the space shuttle and the international space station
Symbolic analytical solution of N-dimensional radially symmetric polytropes
Symbolic computation on cylindrical-modified dust-ion-acoustic nebulons in dusty plasmas
Symmetric doubly-asymptotic periodic orbits at collinear equilibria