Large-Scale Kinetic Energy Spectra from Eulerian Analysis of EOLE Wind Data.
Large-scale motions on the sun - an overview
Large-scale numerical simulations: Convection in an annular channel rotating about a vertical axis with side-walls
Large-scale periodicity and Gaussian fluctuations
Large-scale perturbations and background-radiation anisotropy in an open model universe
Large-scale radial velocity correlations as a test of Gaussian initial conditions
Large-Scale Simulation of a Process for Cataloguing Small Orbital Debris
Large-Scale Solar Photosphere Simulations
Large-scale stimulated rotational Raman scattering experiments using the LLNL Nova laser
Large-scale streaming motions and microwave background anisotropies
Large-Scale Structure at Z ~ 2
Large-scale structure from cosmic string loops. I - Formation and linear evolution of perturbations
Large-scale structure in a universe with mixed hot and cold dark matter
Large-scale structure in isocurvature baryon models
Large-scale structure in the universe - Results from the Stromlo-APM redshift survey
Large-scale structure of the solar corona and inner heliosphere
Large-scale structure of the universe - Constraints from the X-ray background
Large-scale structure of the universe in unstable dark matter models
Large-scale tectonic motions measured with the DORIS space geodesy system
Large-Scale Testing and High-Fidelity Simulation Capabilities at Sandia National Laboratories to Support Space Power and Propulsion