Lagrangian theory of gravitational instability of Friedman-Lemaitre cosmologies and the 'Zel'dovich approximation'
LAI-estimation of boreal forests using C-band VV and HH polarization radar images
Lambert W random variables - a new family of generalized skewed distributions with applications to risk estimation
Lamellar Magnetism: A New Magnetic Substructure?
Lamp models need data
LAMP: The Lyman Alpha Mapping Project on NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission
Lanczos Approximations for the Speedup of Kernel Partial Least Squares Regression
Land Cover Classification using Polarimetric SAR Data
Land-cover map information from polarimetric SAR using knowledge-based techniques
Landau Theory of Adaptive Integration in Computational Intelligence
Landscape development in an hyperarid sandstone environment along the margins of the Dead Sea fault: Implications from dated rock falls
Landslides, earthquakes, and erosion
Landuse Classification of Agricultural Fields with Multitemporal ERS-1 SAR Data and Optical Remote Sensing Data: the Pasta Project
Langmuir probe plasma measurements reduction using a feed-forward neural network: Preliminary results
Langmuir wave generation by electron beams producing short timescale hard X-ray emission in solar flares
Laplace Approximated EM Microarray Analysis: An Empirical Bayes Approach for Comparative Microarray Experiments
Laplace Coefficients and Their Newcomb Derivatives
Laplacian Support Vector Machines Trained in the Primal
Large adaptive deformable mirror: design and first prototypes
Large Amplitude, Extremely Rapid, Predominantly Perpendicular Electric Field Structures at the Magnetopause