Les problèmes de l'Astrophysique dont l'étude nécessite une haute résolution spectrale
Les projets MISIG et MAGELLAN
Les résonances d'un trou noir de Schwarzschild.
Les Utilisateurs de SIMBAD (1986)
Lessons from Darwin: Breeding the Best-fit Binary Star
Lessons learned from Hubble Space Telescope extra vehicular activity supportability
Lessons learned from multiple fidelity modeling of ground interferometer testbeds
Lessons learned in recent beryllium mirror fabrication
Let's go: Early universe 2. Primordial nucleosynthesis the computer way
Letter from the Editor
Letter from the Editor
Letter to the editor. NAA and JFK: Can revisionism take us home?
Letter: Dilatonic Black Hole Entropy Without Brick Walls
Level Crossing Analysis of the I-GALFA H I 21-cm Line Maps of the Galaxy
Level statistics of a noncompact cosmological billiard
Level statistics of a noncompact integrable billiard
Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Applied to Cassini-CAPS Corotational Data
Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Applied to Corotational Plasma Flow at Saturn
Leveraging Microelectronics Research to Enable A Smarter Planet
LFM radar signal detection in the joint time-frequency domain