Latest development for space applications at Sofradir σ
Latest developments in compact IR cooled detectors
Latest developments in MCT infrared staring arrays at Sofradir
Latest developments on MCT staring arrays
Latest results of SOFRADIR MCT technology for space applications
Latest Sofradir technology developments usable for space applications
Latin hypercube sampling with inequality constraints
Latitude-energy structure of multiple ion beamlets in Polar/TIMAS data in plasma sheet boundary layer and boundary plasma sheet below 6 radial distance: basic properties and statistical analysis
Latitudinal distribution of terrestrial lipid biomarkers and n-alkane compound-specific stable carbon isotope ratios in the atmosphere over the western Pacific and Southern Ocean
Latitudinal Variation in Vertical Cloud Structure of Saturn
Latitudinally dependent Trimpi effects: Modeling and observations
Lattice Boltzmann formulation for Braginskii magnetohydrodynamics
Lattice Boltzmann model of immiscible fluids
Lattice QCD and Graphical Processing Units
Lattice Studies of Hadronic Physics
Lattice-matched HgZnTe epitaxy development
Launch and landing site science processing for ISS utilization
Launch site processing of payloads for the ISS
Launch site radiological emergency response for the cassini mission
Launch System Testbed: An Innovative Approach for Design and Development of Future Launch Structures