Lasers to bridge satellites
LASSO ISOtone for High Dimensional Additive Isotonic Regression
LASSO Methods for Gaussian Instrumental Variables Models
LASSO observations at McDonald and OCA/CERGA: A preliminary analysis
Lasso type classifiers with a reject option
Lasso-type estimators for Semiparametric Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models Estimation
Late Alluvial Fan Formation in Southern Margaritifer Terra, Mars
Late alluvial fan formation in southern Margaritifer Terra, Mars
Late Crustal Growth on Mars: Evidence From Lithospheric Extension
Late stages of planetary accretion
Late stages of stellar evolution. II - Mass loss and the transition of asymptotic giant branch stars into hot remnants
Late stages of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability - A numerical study in the context of accreting neutron stars
Late-phase-transition-induced fluctuations in the cosmic neutrino distribution and the formation of structure in the Universe
Late-type stellar content of resolved galaxies
Latent Markov model for longitudinal binary data: An application to the performance evaluation of nursing homes
Latent Protein Trees
Latent rank change detection for analysis of splice-junction microarrays with nonlinear effects
Lateral propagation of the helium shell flash on an accreting neutron star
Lateral Variations in Crustal Structure of Northern Victoria Land From Teleseismic Receiver Functions
Latest COBE results, large-scale data, and predictions of inflation