Laser sounding of atmospheric sodium interpretation in terms of global atmospheric parameters
Laser Spot Size Control In Space
Laser Sustained Plasma Free Jet as a Tool for Propulsion
Laser telemetry - A technique of spatial geodesy
Laser terminal attitude determination via autonomous star tracking
Laser thruster
Laser transitions of Beutler 5d96s26p excited states of HgI
Laser-array generators produced by patterned ion irradiation of acrylic films
Laser-Driven Micro-Ship and Micro-Turbine by Water-Powered Propulsion
Laser-Driven Water-Powered Propulsion and Air Curtain for Vacuum Insulation
Laser-excited fluorescence of rare earth elements in fluorite: Initial observations with a laser Raman microprobe
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in open-path configuration for the analysis of distant objects
Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Phyllosilicates for ChemCam Calibration
Laser-induced generation of shaped holes by variable beam shaping
Laser-mirror cleaning in a simulated space environment
Laser-powered lunar base
Laser-powered Martian rover
Laser-Supported Detonation Concept as a Space Thruster
Lasers and space optical systems study
Lasers revisited - Their superior utility for interstellar beacons, communications, and travel