Galactic Rotation withOUT Dark Matter: Solar System Perspective
Galactic scale gas flows in colliding galaxies: 3-dimensional, N-body/hydrodynamics experiments
Galactic scale star formation: Interplay between stellar spirals and the ISM
Galactic Science with the Wide Field X-ray Telescope
Galactic spiral shocks in a corrugated gas disc
Galactic Type IA Supernova Progenitor Populations
Galactic wind and metal enrichment in spheroidal star systems
Galaxies Surveys at the EoR with Gravitational Telescopes
Galaxies within hierarchical structure formation
Galaxies: What do we know and how do we know it?
Galaxy clustering and the origin of large-scale flows
Galaxy Clustering Statistics of medium-Deep Survey WFPC1 and WFPC2 Images
Galaxy clusters and the amplitude of primordial fluctuations
Galaxy correlation functions in redshift space from large N-body simulations
Galaxy correlations and the luminosity function
Galaxy correlations, counts, and moments
Galaxy Dark-Matter Halos: Their Formation, Structure and Evolution
Galaxy density in biased theories of galaxy origin
Galaxy distribution in a cold dark matter universe
Galaxy Environments and Gas Fraction Trends