Does lower Omega allow a resolution of the large-scale structure problem?
Does the missing mass problem signal the breakdown of Newtonian gravity?
Does the Sun have a face?
Doing Physics with Spreadsheets: Old Tricks for New Dogs
Doing Science with VOStat
Domain structures and molecular evolution of class I and class II major histocompatibility gene complex (MHC) products deduced from amino acid and nucleotide sequence homologies
Dominance, Intimidation, and `Choking' on the PGA Tour
Donées globales Landsat sur l'Afrique, un exemple: suivi de l'évolution spatio-temporel de la ville du Rabat au Maroc
Donnees Ers/spot pour Inventorier L'occupation DU Sol (district de Brasilia)
Doppler images of rotating stars using maximum entropy image reconstruction
Doppler integration intervals and correlation
Doppler Mapping of SS Cyg: Model vs. Observations
Doppler satellite observations of polar motion
Doppler-free multiphotonic spectroscopy
Doppler-independent selective heterodyne radiometry for detection of remote species
DORIS geodesy: A dynamic determination of geocentre location
Dose Finding with Escalation with Overdose Control (EWOC) in Cancer Clinical Trials
Dot-Projection Photogrammetry and Videogrammetry of Gossamer Space Structures
Double core evolution. 6: Effects of gravitational torques
Double core evolution. IV - The late stages of evolution of a 2-solar mass red giant with a 1-solar mass companion