Distributions of Craters on the Icy Satellites of Saturn and Jupiter
Distributions of orbital elements of sporadic meteor bodies and their secular evolution.
Disturbance of the microgravity environment by experiments
Diurnal and Seasonal Statistical Characteristics of Well-formed Plasma Depletion and Enhancement Plumes under Quiet Solar Conditions
Diurnal variability of aerosol optical depth observed at AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) sites
Diurnal Variation of Martian Dust Opacity
Diurnal variations of Titan's surface temperatures from Cassini - CIRS observations
Diverse correlation structures in gene expression data and their utility in improving statistical inference
Diversity of Debris Disks - Constraining the Disk Outer Radii
Division i: Fundamental Astronomy
DLP technolgy: applications in optical networking
DLP-based structured light 3D imaging technologies and applications
DLP/DSP-based optical 3D sensors for the mass market in industrial metrology and life sciences
DLR Activities in IIM and Scene Understanding
DM Cusps in Galaxies from Rotation Curves
DMA (Defense Mapping Agency) orbit determination for transit satellites: 1985
DMA (Defense Mapping Agency) orbit determination of the Navy Navigation Satellite System 1986
DMA (Defense Mapping Agency) orbit determination of the navy navigation satellite system for 1987
DMD chip space evaluation for ESA's EUCLID mission
DMD multi-object spectroscopy in space: the EUCLID study