Distribution fitting 13. Analysis of independent, multiplicative effect of factors. Application to effect of essential oils extracts from plant species on bacterial species. Application to factors of antibacterial activity of plant species
Distribution Fitting 2. Pearson-Fisher, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, Wilks-Shapiro, Cramer-von-Misses and Jarque-Bera statistics
Distribution Free Prediction Bands
Distribution functions for the time-averaged energies of stochastically excited solar p-modes
Distribution of field-aligned currents and expected magnetic field perturbations resulting from auroral currents along circular orbits of satellites
Distribution of galaxies with different colours in 4 clusters in the UKST survey field 349.
Distribution of galaxy planes in the Local Supercluster
Distribution of helium in metal tritides
Distribution of Late-type Stars around IC 4665
Distribution of polarization and intensity of radiation across the stellar disk and numerical values of atmospheric characteristics governing this distribution
Distribution of refractory and volatile elements in CoRoT planet host stars
Distribution of shortening between the Indian and Australian plates in the central Indian Ocean
Distribution of Slow Neutrons in Free Atmosphere up to 67,000 feet
Distribution of stars perpendicular to the plane of the Galaxy
Distribution of the stars in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars
Distribution of the ultraviolet nitric oxide Martian night airglow: Observations from Mars Express and comparisons with a one-dimensional model
Distribution of very young stellar clusters in grand-design spirals
Distribution-free cumulative sum control charts using bootstrap-based control limits
Distributions associated with general runs and patterns in hidden Markov models
Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry with emphasis on a multivariate skew $t$ distribution