Building of abundance stratifications in stars, due to diffusion processes
Building the infrastructure for the virtual observatory
Bulgarian Involvement in the European Grid Operations
Bulk Density of Meteoroids based on Single Body Theory
Bulk flows, shear, and the great attractor
Bulk viscous cosmological model
Buoyancy flux, turbulence, and the gas transfer coefficient in a stratified lake
Buoyancy of magnetic fields and the 11-year cycle of solar activity
Buoyancy-limited magnetic viscosity in quasi-stellar object accretion disk models
Buoyant boundary layer flows - An analogy to the Ekman spiral
Buoyant Bubbles in the Intracluster Medium
Buoyant convection resulting from dissolution and permeability growth in vertical limestone fractures
Burgers Turbulence and the Problem of Star Formation
Buried object remote detection technology for law enforcement
Burnup calculations for the HOMER-15 and SAFE-300 reactors
Bursts of gamma rays from Compton scattering at cosmological distances
Bursts of star formation in computer simulations of dwarf galaxies
Bursty Mode Conversion in Inhomogeneous Plasmas
Bus development for a multitask engineering test satellite: SATEX
BV Photometry of Northern Galactic Plane Luminous Stars. II. Faint Stars in the Second Galactic Quadrant