VLT enclosures wind tunnel tests and fluid dynamics analyses
Void evolution and the large-scale structure
Void probabilities in the galaxy distribution - Scaling and luminosity segregation
Void statistics of the CfA redshift survey
Void statistics, scaling, and the origins of large-scale structure
Voids and scaling in cosmology
Voids in the center for astrophysics catalog
Voids in the Ly-alpha forest
Voigt line infrared atmospheric transmittance calculations by Fourier transform
Volcanic tremor location during the 2004 Mount Etna lava effusion
Volcanomagnetic signals associated with the 2001 flank eruption of Mt. Etna (Italy)
Volume variability diagnostic for 4D datasets
VOregistry and VOgrid: Tools For An Integrated Heliophysics Data Environment
Vortex creep and the internal temperature of neutron stars - Linear and nonlinear response to a glitch
Vortex drag and the spin-up time scale for pulsar glitches
Vortex pinning by quenched randomness in neutron stars
Vortex pinning in neutron stars
Vortex-induced vibration of a heavy-lift launch vehicle during transonic flight
VOSpace: a Prototype for Grid 2.0
Voyager 1/UVS data and model computations of the interplanetary Lyman alpha background in the outer heliosphere: 1993 to 2002.