Variability of quiescent and flaring radio emission in RS CVn and Algol-type binary systems
Variability of remote sensing reflectance and implications for optical remote sensing-A study along the eastern and northeastern waters of Arabian Sea
Variability of the tropospheric mixing and of streamer formation and their impact on the lifetime of observed ozone layers
Variability of X-ray emission from OB stars
Variable Contributions to Shear Strength Reduction for Percussive Excavation in Lunar Regolith Simulant
Variable G within a modified theory of general relativity
Variable Star Period Determination for Datasets with Sparse Time Sampling
Variational Bayes Techniques for Correcting Spitzer Systematics
Variational formulation of the geodetic boundary value problem
Variational Study of Interstellar Magnetic Gas Clouds: Theory, Modeling, and Computation
Variations in the 13 CM Opacity Below the Main Cloud Layer in the Atmosphere of Venus Inferred from Pioneer - Radio Occultation Studies, 1978-1987
Variations in the chemical composition of the atmosphere from satellite measurements and their relation to fluxes of energetic particles of cosmic origin (Review)
Variations in the chorus source location deduced from fluctuations of the ambient magnetic field: Comparison of Cluster data and the backward wave oscillator model
Variations in the envelope of the shell star HD 50845
Variations in the period of the sunspot cycle
Variations in the semimajor axis of a planetary orbit during the accumulation process
Variations of the linear sizes of extragalactic radio sources with radio luminosity and redshift
Variations of thermospheric composition according to AE-C data and CTIP modelling
Varieties of new classes of interior solutions in general relativity
Vector and scalar field interpretation