New high precision foil resistors for space projects, with zero temperature coefficient very low power coefficient and high reliability
New Horizons Launch Contingency Effort
New image compression capabilities in CFITSIO
New Insights into Atoll X-Ray Binaries: Fourier Resolved Spectroscopy of 4U 1728-34
New investigation of nitrogen laser induced fluorescence in formaldehyde: Spectra and spectrally resolved lifetimes
New IR detectors pig-tailed with IR fibers
New liquid crystal devices for adaptive optics
New MCT focal plane array IR detection modules and digital signal processing technologies at AIM
New Measurements of Plasma Ion Composition at Geosynchronous Orbit
New Measurements of the Azimuthal Alignments of Greek Temples
New Mechanism for Three-Dimensional Current Dissipation/Reconnection in Astrophysical Plasmas
New method for chain coding based on convolution
New method for focused image recovery from image defocus
New method of 3-D object recognition
New method of adjusting color of pseudocolor encoding image
New Millennium Program's Earth orbiter #1 flight
New multicategory boosting algorithms based on multicategory Fisher-consistent losses
New NED XML/VOtable Services and Client Interface Applications
New observing modes of NACO
New planetary boundary layer parametrization in ECHAM5-HAM: Dynamical refinement of the vertical resolution