Non-Euclidean statistics for covariance matrices, with applications to diffusion tensor imaging
Non-invasive assessment of Alterations in Cardiovascular regulation and function and susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias resulting from microgravity exposure
Non-invasive assessment of skeletal muscle activity
Non-Linear AC Analysis (phinal)
Non-linear force-free field modeling: model techniques, boundary conditions, hares, and hounds
Non-linear glasses and metaglasses for photonics, a review: Part II. Kerr nonlinearity and metaglasses of positive and negative refraction
Non-linear limb-darkening law for LTE models. II. (Claret, 2003)
Non-linear limb-darkening law for LTE models. III. (Claret, 2004)
Non-machian, Lorentz-invariant inertia: The first step towards the theory of GravitoElectroMagnetism
Non-Nuclear NEP System Testing
Non-Nuclear Validation Test Results of a Closed Brayton Cycle Test-Loop
Non-radial oscillations of rotating stars and their relevance to the short-period oscillations of cataclysmic variables
Non-toxic propulsion for spaceplane ``pop-up'' upper stages
Noncontact microwave material characterization
Noncooled near-infrared spectroscopy
Nondestructive chemical identification using an x-ray transmission function obtained with the multi-energy method
Nondestructive on-line density measurement of organic material on a steel conveyor belt using x-ray scattering
Nondestructive read filter for low-flux ROICs
Nondestructive sensing technologies using micro-optical elements for applications in the NIR-MIR spectral regions
Nondestructive surface analysis for material research using fiber optic vibrational spectroscopy