J-integral patch for finite element analysis of dynamic fracture due to impact of pressure vessels
J-K DENIS photometry of bright southern stars (Kimeswenger+ 2004)
J2ME implementation of system for storing and accessing of sensitive data on patient's mobile device
Japanese-US Thermal Science Accelerometer Project (JUSTSAP)
Java 3D Interactive Visualization for Astrophysics
Java Message Service (JMS) use in the Telescope Automation and Remote Observing System (TAROS)
JDBC Driver for AIPS++ Tables
JEM-EUSO: an opportunity for carrying out researches in atmospheric physics, meteorology and climatology using remote sensing techniques from space
JERS repeat pass cohrence for observation of Siberian forest
JERS SAR interferometry for land subsidence monitoring
JERS-1/ERS-1 verification program and future verification program
JHU/APL Breakup Analysis Tool (APLbat) for the New Horizons Radiological Contingency
JIMO Follow-On Mission Studies
Jlenses and Xfglenses
JMAPS Observations Planning Simulator
Johnson Noise Thermometry For Space Reactor Temperature Measurement
Joining of niobium-1% zirconium to incoloy 909 for possible application in a refractory AMTEC cell wall
Joint Detection and Estimation: Optimum Tests and Applications
Joint Lensing and Stellar Dynamics of Galaxies
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, volume 91, number 3, May - June 1986