Hidden Markov models for the assessment of chromosomal alterations using high-throughput SNP arrays
Hierarchical Additive Modeling of Nonlinear Association with Spatial Correlations-An Application to Relate Alcohol Outlet Density and Neighborhood Assault Rates
Hierarchical approach for human eye tracking
Hierarchical Bayesian estimation of inequality measures with nonrectangular censored survey data with an application to wealth distribution of French households
Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Hitting Performance in Baseball
Hierarchical mixture models for assessing fingerprint individuality
Hierarchical motion-compensated interframe DPCM algorithm for low-bit-rate coding
Hierarchical relational models for document networks
Hierarchical spatial models for predicting tree species assemblages across large domains
High accuracy flexural hinge development
High Altitude Launch for a Practical SSTO
High angular resolution astronomical techniques - Speckle interferometry and related methods
High density packing and interconnections for hybrid microelectronics: new trends in materials development
High density storage of antimatter for space propulsion applications
High Dimensional Sparse Econometric Models: An Introduction
High efficiency segmented thermoelectric unicouples
High Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos
High energy density interactions for near-earth orbit perturbations
High Energy Emission from B Stars and its Relationship to Stellar Winds
High frequency market microstructure noise estimates and liquidity measures