HEB heterodyne focal plane arrays: a terahertz technology for high sensitivity near-range security imaging systems
Heim Quantum Theory for Space Propulsion Physics
Heliopause Explorer - a sailcraft mission to the outer boundaries of the solar system
Helium 2 cooling systems for long term missions in space: phase separation and hybrid cooling systems
Helium 2 cooling systems with long service live for space use: Phase separation hybrid cooling systems
Helium glow detector experiment, MA-088
Helium release from 238PuO2 fuel particles
Henry's law behavior in simple systems and in magmas: Criteria for discerning concentration-dependent partition coefficients in nature
Hera: Using NASA Astronomy Data in the Classroom
Heritage learning and data collection: Biodiversity and heritage conservation through collaborative monitoring and research
Heterodyne detection at a wavelength of 3.39 microns for astronomical purposes
Heterodyne spectroscopy for astrophysical applications using tunable laser sidebands at 10 microns
Heterojunction III-V alloy photodetectors for high-sensitivity 1.06-micrometers optical receivers
Heteroscedastic controlled calibration model applied to analytical chemistry
HF transionospheric long range propagation from satellite observed at Florence
HgCdTe detector technology at Kunming Institute of Physics
HgCdTe detectors and FPAs for remote sensing applications
HgCdTe for far-infrared heterodyne detection
HI-CLASS on AEOS: a large-aperture laser radar for space surveillance/situational awareness investigations
Hidden Markov models for alcoholism treatment trial data