Feature discrimination using multiband classification techniques
Feature selection for high-dimensional integrated data
Feature selection guided by structural information
Feature selection in omics prediction problems using cat scores and false nondiscovery rate control
Feature selection technique for classification of hyperspectral AVIRIS data
Features of application of elastic membrane primaries in observing telescopes with nonlinear optical correction of images
Features of microstrip proportional counters
FeH -- A Valuable Magnetic Diagnostic Tool
Femtosecond laser three-dimensional microstructuring inside photosensitive glasses
Ferroelectric liquid crystal SLMs: from prototypes to products
Fiber Bragg grating reconstruction by using the genetic algorithm
Fiber Bragg grating sensor for the measurement of elevated temperature
Fiber Bragg grating sensors for structural and railway applications
Fiber Bragg gratings as a candidate technology for satellite optical communication payloads: radiation-induced spectral effects
Fiber optic security systems for land- and sea-based applications
Fiber optic sensors for structural health monitoring of concrete structures
Fiber optic structures for dynamic stress sensing
Fiber optical temperature variety sensor based on fiber optical ring
Fiber pupil-slicer: a versatile light feed for spectrographs
Fiber thermometer based on the cross detection of the fluorescence lifetime of Cr3+:YAG crystal fiber and Plank"s blackbody radiation from cryogenic up to 1400°C