Frequency Comb-Referenced Measurements of - and Nitrogen-Perturbed Line Shapes in the ν_1 + ν_3 Band of Acetylene
Frequency reproducibility of I2-stabilized Nd:YAG lasers
Frequency spectrum measurement of noise image intensifiers
Frequency stable high power lasers in space
Frequency- and time-domain detection of superluminal group velocities in one dimensional photonic crystals (1DPC)
Fresh New Air in Space? `MoMa' on the A.S.I. Launch Pad
FREZCHEM: An Aqueous Geochemical Model for Mars
Friedmann Propulsion in an Flat Holographic Universe
Fringe-washing function calibration in aperture synthesis microwave radiometry
FRINK - A Code to Evaluate Space Reactor Transients
From Mars to your living room: transitioning shape memory alloys from aerospace to commercial markets
From visible to infrared: a new detector approach
Front Tracking under TSTT
Front-side-bombarded metal-plated CMOS electron sensors
Frost grain size metamorphism - Implications for remote sensing of planetary surfaces
FTIR monitoring of industrial scale CVD processes
FTIR spectroscopy of OH in olivine: A new tool in kimberlite exploration
Fuel Cell Power System Options for Mars Rovers
Fuel cell technology for lunar surface operations
Fuel/propellant mixing in an open-cycle gas core nuclear rocket engine