Edge effects on the diffraction of the segmented aperture
Edge technique lidar for high accuracy, high spatial resolution wind measurement in the Planetary Boundary Layer
EDI electron time-of-flight measurements on Equator-S
EDITORIAL: Focus issue on string cosmology Focus issue on string cosmology
Editorial: Statistics and "The lost tomb of Jesus"
Editorial: Statistics and forensic science
EDOARD: A tethered device for efficient Electrodynamic De-Orbiting of LEO spacecraft
Education: a Key Element in Communicating Space Activities to Society
Educational opportunities within the NASA specialized center of research and training in gravitational biology
Educational Outreach: The Space Science Road Show
Effect of aerosol speckle phase decorrelation on the allowable signal averaging time for coherent optical receivers
Effect of an electron beam on the current-convective instability
Effect of atmospheric extinction on solar radial velocity measurements
Effect of bandwidth on beam smoothing and frequency conversion at the third harmonic of the Nova laser
Effect of combined gamma-neutron radiation on multiplexed fiber Bragg grating sensors
Effect of different supermirrors on the performance of a hard x-ray telescope
Effect of gravitational potential energy on the rate of evaporation
Effect of gravity on the combustion synthesis of porous materials
Effect of inert cover gas on performance of radioisotope Stirling space power system