Binary optical correction of wavefront aberration using spatial light modulators
Binding Applications Together with PLASTIC
Bioaerosol sampling system with replicated optics
Bioelectrochemical degradation of urea at platinized boron doped diamond electrodes for bioregenerative systems
Biogeochemistry of organic matter--II Thermal reaction kinetics and transformation products of amino compounds
Biomass mapping using biophysical forest type characterisation of SAR polarimetric images
Biometric Cards for Indian Population: Role of Mathematical Models in Assisting and Planning
Biomimetic Engineering for Space Applications
Biophysical and Biomedical Applications of Nonspherical Scattering
Biophysical forest type characterisation in the Colombian Amazon by airborne polarimetric SAR
Bios-4 as an embodiment of CELSS development conception
Biosensor Arrays for Estimating Molecular Concentration in Fluid Flows
Birefringence induced by gravitational waves - A suggestion for a new detector
Bismuth Germanate (BGO) array for spectroscopy of gamma pulse
Bistatic lidar measurements in the boundary layer using a CCD camera
Bivariate linear mixed models using SAS proc MIXED
Black Holes and Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei: Microlensing, Caustics, and Collisional Stellar Dynamics.
Blind deconvolution post-processing of images corrected by adaptive optics
Block-based Bayesian epistasis association mapping with application to WTCCC type 1 diabetes data
Blood pressure manometer using a twin Bragg grating Fabry-Perot interferometer