Barium compatibility of insulator material systems
Baroclinic generation of planetary transient and stationary waves from forced stationary waves
Baryogenesis, sphalerons, and the cogeneration of dark matter
Baryon asymmetry persistence in the standard model with a singlet
Baryon-number dissipation at finite temperature in the standard model
Baryon-number violation in a quantum gas of W and Higgs bosons
Base materials and technologies to maintain long service life and efficiency of thermionic converters and thermionic fuel elements
BASECOL and VAMDC: A new way to access and manipulate molecular collisional data for interstellar applications
Baseline antenna design for space exploration initiative
Basic Relationships for Matrices Describing Scattering by Small Particles
Basic relationships for matrices describing scattering by small particles.
Basic Results of MHD Tomography Analysis Method for IPS Observation
Basin size evolution between dissipative and conservative limits
Batch kernel SOM and related Laplacian methods for social network analysis
BATMAN-an R package for the automated quantification of metabolites from NMR spectra using a Bayesian Model
Bayesball: A Bayesian hierarchical model for evaluating fielding in major league baseball
Bayesian Analysis of Loss Ratios Using the Reversible Jump Algorithm
Bayesian anomaly detection methods for social networks
Bayesian approach to the thermally generated charge elimination
Bayesian Centroid Estimation for Motif Discovery