Typical Processes of Exsolution, Decomposition and Inversion of Pyroxenes and Its Bearing on Thermal History of Lunar Rocks
Typical properties of large random economies with linear activities
Typical properties of optimal growth in the Von Neumann expanding model for large random economies
Typical properties of rising and falling tone chorus waves
Typical rank of coin-toss power-law random matrices over GF(2)
Typical scales in the clustering of the Universe.
Typical scales in the distribution of galaxies and clusters.
Typical Sequence of Strong Discontinuities in the Leading Edge of a Nonstationary Interplanetary Plasma Flow
Typical solution time for a vertex-covering algorithm on finite-connectivity random graphs
Typical state of an isolated quantum system with fixed energy and unrestricted participation of eigenstates
Typical versus average helicity modulus in the three-dimensional gauge glass: Understanding the vortex glass phase
Typical-Medium Theory of Mott-Anderson Localization
Typicality Defended
Typicality Derived
Typicality for Generalized Microcanonical Ensembles
Typicality in Ensembles of Quantum States: Monte Carlo Sampling versus Analytical Approximations
Typicality in random matrix product states
Typicality of pure states randomly sampled according to the Gaussian adjusted projected measure
Typicality versus thermality: An analytic distinction
Typicality vs. probability in trajectory-based formulations of quantum mechanics