Q-ball Instability due to U(1) Breaking
Q-ball Metamorphosis
Q-ball Scattering on Barriers and Holes in 1 and 2 Spatial Dimensions
Q-Balls and Baryogenesis in the MSSM
Q-Balls and the Proton Stability in Supersymmetric Theories
Q-balls constructed of spinors in Lagrangians with SU(2) symmetry
Q-balls in Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory
Q-balls in the MSSM
Q-balls in the MSSM
Q-balls in the regularized signum-Gordon model
Q-balls in Underground Experiments
Q-balls with scalar charges
Q-balls, Integrability and Duality
Q-balls: Some Analytical Results
Q-based design equations for resonant metamaterials and experimental validation
q-Boson approach to multiparticle correlations
Q-boson interferometry and generalized Wigner function
Q-Boson Representation of the Quantum Matrix Algebra $M_q(3)$
Q-branch shapes of CO2 spectrum in 15 μm region: experiment.
q-Calculus Framework For Entropy In Multifractal Distributions