Oxygen Production from Lunar Soils
Oxygen Production on Mars Using Solid Oxide Electrolysis
Oxygen Profile of a Thermo-Haliophilic Community in the Badwater Salt Flat
Oxygen quenching in LAB based liquid scintillator and nitrogen bubbling model
Oxygen recombination lines from Cas A knots (Docenko+, 2008)
Oxygen reduction reactions on pure and nitrogen-doped graphene: a first-principles modeling
Oxygen Reservoirs in the Early Solar Nebula Inferred from an Allende CAI
Oxygen singlet Delta 1.58-micrometer (0-1) limb radiance in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere
Oxygen site exchange kinetics observed with solid state NMR in a natural zeolite
Oxygen sites in hydrous aluminosilicate glasses: the role of Al-O-Al and H"2O
Oxygen solubility and speciation in sulphide-rich mattes
Oxygen Solubility in Iron Melts at High Pressures and Temperatures: Experimental Constraints on Terrestrial Planetary Core Formation
Oxygen Solubility in Liquid Iron and Consequences for the Early Differentiation of Earth and Mars
Oxygen stable isotope fractionation behavior of cerussite and hydrocerussite: New results and reconciliation of the recent literature
Oxygen stoichiometry and instability in aluminium oxide tunnel barrier layers
Oxygen Stoichiometry in Co-1212, Co-1222 and Co-1232 of Homologous Series Co-12s2 of Category-B Layered Copper Oxides
Oxygen stoichiometry, crystal structure, and magnetism in La$_{0.5}$Sr$_{0.5}$CoO$_{3-δ}$
Oxygen superstructures throughout the phase diagram of $\bf (Y,Ca)Ba_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}$
Oxygen Three-Isotope Measurements on the First Artificial Meteorites (The ESA `Stones' Experiment): Contrasting Behaviour of Dolomite and a Simulated Martian Soil
Oxygen to Cation Ratios as a Descriptor of Serpentinization in CM Chondrite Matrix