IUE observations of NGC 3783
IUE observations of planetary nebulae.
IUE Observations of Saturn's Rings
IUE observations of solar system objects
IUE Observations of Surface Structure of Eclipsing and Non-Eclipsing RS CVN Systems
IUE Observations of the Delta Scuti stars: Summary of the results
IUE observations of the Jovian dayglow emission
IUE observations of the recurrent nova T CrB.
IUE Observations of the Star HD93521
IUE observations of the X-ray binary A0538 66: Recent results on a remarkable recurrent
IUE Observations of Two Non-Seyfert Radio Galaxies
IUE observations of variable Seyfert 1 galaxies
IUE Observations of Variable Type 1 Seyfert Galaxies
IUE observations of X-ray binaries.
IUE observations of X-ray sources - HD153919 /4U1700-37/, HDE226868 /Cyg X-1/, HZ HER /Her X-1/
IUE Observing Guide
IUE spacecraft operations. Final report.
IUE Spectra of Clumpy Irregular Galaxies
IUE spectra of lambda Boo stars (Solano+ 1998)
IUE spectra of WR stars (Niedzielski+, 1994)