Cylindrically symmetric solutions of self-consistently coupled Dirac fields in gauge theories of gravity
Cylindrically symmetric stationary fields in general relativity
Cylindrically symmetric stationary solution to the Einstein equations for a superfluid
Cylindrically Symmetric Zel'dovich Fluid Distributions in General Theory of Relativity
Cylindrically-symmetric matter distribution with a magnetic field in Einstein-Cartan theory
Cyprus umbers: chemical precipitates on a tethyan ocean ridge
Cyprus-Refraction data support interpretation of Troodos massif as upthrust oceanic crust
Cyril Ponnamperuma and the Origin of Life: A Bibliography
Cystine-Apatite Renal Calculi: EPMA, Raman and ESEM-CL Study
Cytherean Dextral Transform Fault Zone from Concave Arc to Concave Arc?
Cytochemistry. (Scientific Books: Frontiers in Cytochemistry)
Cytochromec and evolution of the energy acquiring system
Cytogenetic Analysis of Seeds of Diploid and Autotetraploid Forms of Crepis capillaris after Flight on the Aritificial Earth Satellite "Kosmos-368"
Cytoplasmic Calcium in the Mediation of Macula Densa Tubulo-Glomerular Feedback Responses
Cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells: the role of wall slip
Cytoskeleton and Cell Motility
Cytoskeleton confinement of red blood cell membrane fluctuations
Cytoskeleton influence on normal and tangent fluctuation modes in the red blood cells
CZ Cnc - a Dwarf M Flare Star
CZ Lac multiperiodic Blazhko modulation (Sodor+, 2011)